Two Sides of Christmas

Today I have had the luxury (not to brag or anything!) or being able to stay home for a few hours and get stuff done. My plan was to get some computer work finished and wrap the gifts that I need to send to friends and family across the country. I loaded all the...

The Best App To Keep You Organized For Christmas!

Oh, are you ever going to thank me for this one! There is an app for everything!  Because I only have 20 more shopping days until Christmas (pull yourself together), I need all of the help I can get.  One of our special readers, Kathy Johnson, shared it with me.  It...

Our World Has Stopped For You

I’m up tomorrow for a blog post.  I had a great Christmas app to share with you, but at this point it seems so very stupid.  I have an acquaintance who posted that her daughter, a friend of my daughter’s, has a brain clot, and they need to do emergency...

Thankful For Hopes Turned Into Answered Prayer

Happy Almost Thanksgiving!! My wise mom had her quiet time the other morning, and the devotion for the day encouraged the reader to write down all of her hopes of the past and the hopes for her future. She started writing down every time she had hoped for something in...

An Awesome “Not Thanksgiving” Recipe

I know we’re getting super-close to Thanksgiving, I know that visions of cranberries and green bean casseroles are drifting through our heads. I know that to some of us, the amount of cooking (and eating!) that will soon take place is almost incomprehensible. I...

Holiday Stress: Keep it Simple

The election is over and I’m going to tell myself that someone, somewhere planned US elections to be completed just before our attention was diverted by tidings of comfort and joy.  Like the song says, “We need a little Christmas, right this very...

Nothing Lasts Forever….

I’m feeling a little angry. I realize it’s for a silly reason…but if I’m being truthful (and you know I must), I’m frankly irritated. I had the TV on while I was working and an ad caught my eye. It was one of those commercials that say...