What He Promises

As someone who has struggled in the past with too much worrying, I resolved this year to try to fight it.  My devotionals and scripture emphasize over and over that worry steals our peace, our enjoyment of the present, and steals our time with God. I knew if I could...
Big Waves Little Waves…

Big Waves Little Waves…

Once, a long time ago and in a galaxy far far away, I wrote a post about trying to keep your footing when the monster waves of life slam into you. I vaguely remember the analogy I used: how at some point in my life I learned that if a big wave knocks you under water...

New (School) Year’s Resolutions

  This is a great post by Crystal Hoskins!  You can find her on Instagram @ Savvy Girlfriend. As school is begins, anyone else hear “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” playing in their heads?  I mean, I love my kids as much as the next lady, but this mama needs...

Summer: Give me S’more

School is about to start again, and I’m trying my best to wring some “summer” out of these last August days before we step onto the treadmill of school routines, evening sports and nonstop activity.  But the last week or so has been very un-summery....