
I’m a dabbler.  If you are a dabbler, you know exactly what I’m talking about.  If you are not a dabbler,  you probably still know exactly what I’m talking about, but you are rolling your eyes a little.  This is how you know you are a dabbler: 1. You...

Awesome Summer Reads

It’s officially summer!  We wanted to share some great reads with you.  You deserve to spend some time getting away and into an amazing book.  These are recommendations from other women as well.  We did the homework for you. I have a million books not finished...

Sentimental Priceless Gifts – Happy Mother’s Day!

I was sitting at lunch the other day with a special friend, and we were discussing motherhood.  She was talking about how she always hoped her 10 year old daughter would be nuts about her.  I get that.  I have a 10 year old that can’t get enough of me.  I also...

It’s Worth It

Braveheart, Gladiator, The Last Samurai and The Patriot are some of my absolute all time favorite movies.  The common denominator?  Courage, bravery, “strength and honor” (I did that for you true Gladiator fans (Sam  Erisman and James Lorenzen)). The...