
I’m a dabbler.  If you are a dabbler, you know exactly what I’m talking about.  If you are not a dabbler,  you probably still know exactly what I’m talking about, but you are rolling your eyes a little.  This is how you know you are a dabbler: 1. You...

It’s Worth It

Braveheart, Gladiator, The Last Samurai and The Patriot are some of my absolute all time favorite movies.  The common denominator?  Courage, bravery, “strength and honor” (I did that for you true Gladiator fans (Sam  Erisman and James Lorenzen)). The...
The Horrible Loss of a Pet

The Horrible Loss of a Pet

I just feel…raw.  All the blog books say not to share personal things in your life because no one wants to hear.  I think that’s stupid.  How do you connect if you don’t share struggles and get personal.  My dog got out today.  You can read how we got her here.  I put...
Begin The Year With The Daniel Fast

Begin The Year With The Daniel Fast

I want to begin with this because it means so much to me. For most of my life I dealt with a ridiculous amount of anxiety.  I can remember as a small child, I worried about everything. I didn’t grow out of it.  Even after I was married and had small kids, every...