
$3 Wal-Mart find!

I know I am not alone.  Walmart is not my favorite.  But, I had to go because Lucy likes their potato salad, and we promised her potato salad if she played aggressively at the basketball game (we are getting old and tired and are reverting back to bribery).  Anyway,...

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Just Do It

So....I finally did it. (Nike would be so proud of me.) I finally came up with a solution to something that had been bugging me for longer than I care to remember...and I got it done. It wasn't life-shattering or destiny-altering by any means. In fact, my family...

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5 Reasons to Challenge Yourself

Every week, every month, every year, I look for a new challenge. This is something I started (by accident, like so many things in life) in 2009. Before that, I can't remember purposely seeking out anything that was new or hard or different... because I was just too...

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It’s Time for FOOD! I mean FOOTBALL!

So, it's Super Bowl Sunday, which is sort of like a holiday for some people - whether they're fans of the football, the food, the commercials or just the good company.  Planning a menu for this night is almost on par with planning for Thanksgiving!  So, we're sharing...

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Decorating With a Hometown Feel

I just happened to get the best job ever this past fall.  Jenny Hocker (she is a connector like Louise), with The Carlin Team in Joplin introduced me to Rick Benson who is a fabulous contractor.  We met, and he asked me to stage new homes that he was completing.  I...

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Spending Diet Update

Happy Tuesday! I wanted to give you an update on our spending fast (serious diet).  It has been one of the hardest and most hysterical things ever.  To catch you up, our family decided to go on a spending fast (serious spending diet) for the month of January.  You can...

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Very Yellow Chicken

THREE DISCLAIMERS BEFORE YOU START READING:  Don't be deterred by the yellow-ness.  Seriously.  Weird is sometimes best. All of my family members who "hate curry" love this.  It's not curry-ish.  I promise. Make sure you save a spoon to eat the leftover sauce after...

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