
Meet Gwen…

Hi, I’m Gwen – 42 years in the making and still evolving. I find myself here with an awesome husband, two amazing teenagers, and one free-spirited 11 year old. Honestly, it’s the scene I always dreamed would come true (minus the laundry). Of course it’s not perfect, but I’m loving this season of life.  I have opened a staging company with a couple of friends (Louise included), have picked up a few rentals,  and now we are in the process of a flip!  Here we go!

3 + 14 =

Sibling Rivalry

                                    Isn't funny how you can say anything you want about your sibling, but the minute anyone else does, you want to lay them out FLAT.  It amazes me that the people that have the biggest impact on you growing up are choices that you...

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Maybe It’s Time For The Next Best Thing

"God will protect you with his pinions;     you’ll find refuge under his wings.     His faithfulness is a protective shield."                                                    Psalm 91:4 The way God created everything is astounding.  Each creature is fascinating and...

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Giving Grace Even When You Are Really Mad

Is it crazy how you can start off the day ready to tackle the world, and then BAM, it goes to pot. I had the most wonderful prayer time and enjoyed studying God's word today, but you wouldn't know it.  You wouldn't know it at all. We got two kittens because one isn't...

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My 17  year old son says that the movie, The Greatest Showman, has changed his life.  He has seen it three times.  I've been only once, but it does have a profound effect on any age. (If you didn't see the movie) The movie is based on the life of PT Barnum, his...

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Don’t Be Offended – Just Trust

This Christmas has been a little more intense.  With intensity and difficulty come clarity and a fresh perspective. We personally had a rough spot this season.  It was brief, but nonetheless hard. It brought Christ right smack into the center of our lives with arms...

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