
Meet Shannon…

Hello! My name is Shannon and I’m happy you stopped by! Twenty years ago I left my family and “city-life” in the South to come to a small town in the midwest with my husband. Three kids and a couple of dogs later I find my life full to the brim… and often overflowing onto my running shoes! I spend my time trying to remember which child to pick up when, gulping coffee, eating icing and working hard to find and follow the path that God has set out before me.

10 + 11 =

So Many Signs

I have a saying for you--actually, I have a couple of them: Good moms have sticky floors, dirty counters and happy kids. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Get on your knees and pray, then get on your feet and work. Life doesn't always go the way we expect it to.....Thank...

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Today at Church

Today we walked into church. Let me rephrase:  Today, after being yanked out of bed at 6:29 by a super excited 9-year old and some sleepy and slightly grumpy older boys to do a mad egg-finding dash and eat as much of the chocolate rabbit as possible before shoving...

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Gardenias and Matzo Balls

Last week it was almost 80 degrees. The skies were robin's egg blue, the daffodils and pear trees had bloomed, the spring peepers were belting out a beautiful was hard to believe it was the middle of March! Today it is stinkin' cold. Overcast. The frost...

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Breaking Busy

So it's less than a week until Spring Break and my family still isn't sure what it's doing. We've talked about jumping in the car and heading west to hit the slopes.  We've discussed going to visit family in Dallas for a few days.  We've thought about doing a couple...

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Broken Battery…

My friend was going through some old pictures the other day and came across a huge bunch of them featuring us and our kids doing all kinds of super amazing things.  Apparently we used to be fun and full of energy! We would load our combination of six small humans...

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