
Meet Shannon…

Hello! My name is Shannon and I’m happy you stopped by! Twenty years ago I left my family and “city-life” in the South to come to a small town in the midwest with my husband. Three kids and a couple of dogs later I find my life full to the brim… and often overflowing onto my running shoes! I spend my time trying to remember which child to pick up when, gulping coffee, eating icing and working hard to find and follow the path that God has set out before me.

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Ordinary Moments

For every month I advance farther into my 40's, I feel that my eyes do something a little funkier and weirder than the last. Seriously. Sometimes I can see billboards but not menus, and other days I can't see my fingernails OR the house across the street. I'm told...

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Making Summer Last

You might think this is a post about finding an open pool and diving in with your kids one last glorious splashy time. Or maybe you think it's about finding a hot afternoon after school where you can eat popsicles on the front porch and watch the world glide by. You...

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Big Waves Little Waves…

Once, a long time ago and in a galaxy far far away, I wrote a post about trying to keep your footing when the monster waves of life slam into you. I vaguely remember the analogy I used: how at some point in my life I learned that if a big wave knocks you under water...

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A Tale of Two Plans

In this world there are two types of people: the planners and the poppers. Some people thrive on having every second of an event (or a day) scheduled and accounted for. They love checking things off of lists, and a perfect day is one in which every item on that list...

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Two Phrases That Should be Outlawed

Maybe it's because I spent a lovely week bonding with my kids over spring break. Maybe it's because I'm getting older every day and less tolerant of junk. Maybe it's because I'm so introspective that I've noticed changes I need to make (or I'm dreaming?). Whatever the...

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